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Our Academics
At Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, we pride ourselves on our thorough academic offerings as well as our comprehensive teaching methods. Our five main areas of study build upon the core values that shape Jewish life and community. Students not only learn about being Jewish, but they also learn what it means to actively participate in Jewish living.

Concentrates on developing the necessary Hebrew skills for students to understand, read, and use the Siddur (prayer book) alone and during religious services.

Jewish Living
Encompasses holidays, middot (character traits), and mitzvot (commandments) to empower our students to continually build breadth and depth in their understanding of Judaism.

Examines the sacred texts — Torah (Five Books of Moses), Nevi'im (Prophets) and Ketuvim (Writings) — how to study a Jewish text and the role of questioning in our tradition.

Creates opportunities for all of our students to develop their own deep love for and connection with the land of Israel.

Engages students in tefillah (prayer) within the community at weekly school-wide meetings, called Mifgash.
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