L'Dor V'Dor:
From Generation to Generation
Talmud Torah of Minneapolis plays a vital role in educating Jewish youth, building community, and providing the lifelong tools for living an intentionally Jewish life.
Both monetary donations and volunteering contribute to the success of Talmud Torah and allow us to fulfill our mission and vision of providing the foundation for our children and grandchildren to live intentionally Jewish lives. Take a look at the various ways you can help support our mission, from generation to generation and see how your gift makes a difference.
We ask that you join in our efforts by making a gift of any size.
A Tribute Donation is a meaningful way to recognize the special moments or milestones in one’s life or honor the memory of a friend or loved one while supporting the Talmud Torah. The recipient will receive a beautiful email that can include your personal message.
Optional Endowment and Fund Designation:
Our funds support overall education, specific programming, and student and staff scholarships.

Legacy Giving:
We're thrilled to be a beneficiary of It's Your Legacy; a collaborative endowment program that benefits Twin Cities community organizations, including Talmud Torah of Minneapolis.
Please email Talmud Torah at contactus@talmudtorahmpls.org if you would like to make a Legacy Gift.
Endowment Funds:
If you wish to create a fund to support our programming or to honor a family member, our Endowment Chair would be happy to speak with you. Please email contactus@talmudtorahmpls.org to arrange a discussion.
Thank You to Our Donors!
Fiscal Year 2024-2025
Leadership Circle Sponsors ($10,000+)
Heilicher Foundation
Dorothy Papermaster
Platinum Sponsors ($5,000-$9,999)
Nancy & Steve Schachtman
Gold Sponsors ($2,500-$4,999)
Baratz Family Foundation
Steve & Jeannie Gilfix
Marshall & Elaine Siegel Foundation
​Diane Weisberg
Silver Sponsors ($1,000-$2,499)
Michael & Susan Blehert
Gregory Duhl & Jaclyn Millner
Linda Gilfix
Teri & Mike Greenstein
Martin Kieffer
​Sybil Rubin
Joel & Gail Tilsner
Aaron Weininger
Dawn & Danny Zouber
Jack Zouber
Bronze Sponsors ($500-$999)
Gail Bender & Mark Satz
Scott Dorman
Adam Fefferman
Richard Garon & Robbie Perl
Gary & Bonnie Goldish
Harley & Ellen Greenberg
Dan & Erin Hammer
Allen Oleisky
LeAnna Pierson
Matthew & Rebecca Sanders Fund
Robert Warshawsky
Barry Wolfish & Randi Winston
Friends of Talmud Torah ($18-$499)
Howard Ansel
Barbara Bach
Jack Baumgarten
Brad Birnberg & ​Stacy Pinck
Harold Bix
Michael & Carol Bromer
Adam Broms
​Stuart Chazin
David Chein & Reida Lazer-Chein
Susan & Donald Dame
Dr. & Mrs. Dale Dobrin
Robert Edelstein
David & Linda Estrin
Avram Ettedgui
Marjorie Fink
Lucy Rose Fischer
Harvey Flom
Miriam Freidson
Barry L Friedman
Janet Shark Frisch
Michael & Bernice Frisch
Robin & Robert Frost
Robert Galinson
Neil Goldsmith​​​​​
Allen Green
​​Joel Green & Renanah Halpern
Adrienne Greenberg & Amy Levy
Norman Greenberg & Beth Silverwater
Seymour Gross
Bruce & Anne Hope
Ted & Debby Jewett
Brad Kanter
Jeanne & Bruce Kaufman
Lennie & Jill Kaufman
Risa & Steven Kessler
Dr. Michael & Sandra King
Alan Linoff & Winifred Kinneberg
Sheldon Klugman
Dan & Harriet Kohen
Jeanne Korsh
Rabbi Harold Kravitz & Cindy Reich
Joel Lavintman
Joyce Leibman
​Sheldon & Lorri Lewis
​Marvin Liszt
Sherwood Malamud
David Meyer
​MIDCO Foundation
​Adam Minter
Eva Moreimi
​Barry Nash
​Robert & Andrea Oleisky
Martin & Joyce Orbuch
Perry Rank
Jason Rose
Martin & Tema Rosenbaum
​Jerry Rosenzweig
Russ Rubin
Janice & Jeff Schachtman
Nancy Schachtman
Myrnalee & William Schaeffer
David Segal
Norman Sherman
Shira Shapiro
Norman J. Sherman
​Lois Siegel
Dr. Stanley & Mrs. Jeanne Kagin
Harriet Swartz
Sandra Teichner
Alex Thaler
Stacie & Jeff Usem
​Jeremy Waldman
Matt Walzer​​
Aaron Wasserman
Barb Yanish​​​
Felix & Muriel Zwiebel​​​​​
Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Leadership Circle Sponsors ($10,000+)
Heilicher Foundation
Minneapolis Jewish Federation
Morton & Merle Kane
William Seltzer
Platinum Sponsors ($5,000-$9,999)
Nancy & Steve Schachtman
Jason & Sandy Sondell
Allan Stillerman
Gold Sponsors ($2,500-$4,999)
Baratz Family Foundation
Mike & Linda Fiterman
Steve & Jeanne Gilfix
Frank & Freda Schochet
Educational Fund
Silver Sponsors ($1,000-$2,499)
Michael & Susan Blehert
Gregory Duhl & Jaclyn Millner
Rabbi Avram & Linda Ettedgui
Linda Gilfix
Teri & Mike Greenstein
Matthew & Zehorit Heilicher
Bruce & Bobby Nemer
Marvin Sherman
Gail & Joel Tilsner
Rabbi Aaron Weininger
Dawn & Danny Zouber
Jack Zouber
Bronze Sponsors ($500-$999)
Steven & Margaret Blehert
Audrey Bragg
Alexander Davis
Scott & Valerie Dorman
Adam & Debe Fefferman
Harold & Cynthia Goldfine
Jacy & Jason Grais
Harley & Ellen Greenberg
Dan & Harriet Kohen
Marcus Magy
Madeline Louise Miller
Allen Oleisky
Gail Papermaster Bender
Dorothy Papermaster
Matthew & Rebecca Sanders
Robert Warshawsky
Barry Wolfish & Randi Winston
Friends of Talmud Torah ($18-$499)
Howard J. Ansel, M.D.
M. Avrom Appleman, PhD
Larry Barenbaum
Marcy Barrick
Jack Baumgarten
Ted & Deborah Bearman Jewett
Barbara Bearmon
Martin Bell
Adrienne Berman
Julie Berman & Hal Kaufman
Sander Berman
Paul & Pam Bernstein
Susan Blehert
Carrie & Adam Broms
Suzanne Chalom
Danise Chandler
Stuart Chazin
Daniel Chiat
Susan & Donald Dame
Robert Edelstein
David Einzig
David Estrin
Robin Estrin
David G. Fine
Marjorie Fink
Lucy Rose Fischer
Michael and Paula Flom
Sally Forbes Friedman
Michael Frisch
Maida & James Fruen
Philip & Phyllis Garon
Bonnie Goldish
Neil & Elana Goldsmith
Stephen & Nancy Gordon
Adrienne Greenberg & Amy Levy
Steven Greenberg
Phyllis Harris
Earl & Barbara Hoffman
Bruce & Anne Hope
Gregory Horwitz
Stanley & Jeanne Kagin
Joseph & Susan Kaminsky
Brad Kanter
Steven Kaplan
​Harvey Karch
Achsah Kaufman (Guibbory)
Lennie & Jill Kaufman
Pamela Kermisch
Nissim & Wendy Khabie
Sheldon Klugman
Barbara Krovitz-Neren
Missy & Joel Lavintman
Reida Lazer-Chein
Alan Linnoff
David Liss
Elaine Liss
Marvin Liszt
​Mayim Rabim Congregation
David Meyer
Nancy Miller
Jacob & Annie Millner
Adam Minter
George & Charlotte Nudell
Robert & Andrea Oleisky
Catherine O. Oskow
Lynn Phillips
Dorothy Pink
Scott & Janessa Prawer
Sheldon & Maureen Rabin
Perry Rank
Jason Rose
Russ Rubin
Tony Rubin
Sandra Rudoy
Jeff & Janice Schachtman
Leslie Schmidt
David Segal
Shelley Segal
Miriam Segall
Norman Sherman
LeAnna Siegfried
Beth Silverwater & Norman Greenberg
Eli Sirotin
Michelle Solomon
Richard & Judith Spiegel
Marshall Tanick
Karah Taxman
Stacie & Jeff Usem
Jeremy Waldman
Ardis Wexler
Debbie Wolfe
Sheri Yarosh
Robin & Yefet Zadaka
Drew & Natalie Zamansky
Edward & Jane Zeman
Felix & Muriel Zwiebel