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2nd Grade (Bet) Class Update


BET 1 & 2

Dear Bet 1 and Bet 2 (2nd-grade) parents and students,

We are so proud of each and every one of our students. Yom HaSiddur was a huge success. It highlighted some of the skills and values the students have learned throughout the year, giving each student a chance to participate.

The students in Bet started the year not knowing how to read any Hebrew. Through the year, they learned the letters and the vowels, learned to read syllables, and then learned the rules necessary to read words. During this time, they also learned basic vocabulary, as well as prayers, blessings, and even a few songs. The students started their 2nd book of Z’man Likro. Please keep these books, as they may be used for review and instruction at the start of next year.

Jewish values were very important to our class. We learned the concepts of Mitzvot, and how to be a Mentsch. Students were encouraged to think a bit out of the box about how to be a good person. As we learned about Jewish holidays, we took the rituals and practices and made them come to life through stories and activities. The cooking classes, for example, connected them with what they might be experiencing in their homes.

As we learned about the holidays, the Mitzvot came into play. We worked to tie them together, making connections between the lessons being taught and also connecting to what they were learning in Hebrew. This was more evident later in the school year as their Hebrew reading skills improved. By Pesach, the students were able to learn to read the Four Questions, as well as to recite them.

We were so fortunate to observe the individual students become a community. Through discussions, they were able to support and encourage each other. Break-time was always great for spontaneous conversation.

We could not do this without the help of others.

  • A big thank you to Bonny, who taught several of our students! She used her skills to determine what was best for each student.

  • Thank you to Shosh and Emily, who worked behind the scenes to make sure our technology was working.

  • Lastly, thank you to the Parents. You made sure your children were in class with their materials. You supported them and us in so many ways.

We wish you a happy and healthy summer. Looking forward to seeing you next year.

Etta and Michelle


Dear Bet 3 (2nd-grade) parents and students,

I am so proud of each of our students. Yom HaSiddur was a huge success. It highlighted some of the skills and values the students have learned throughout the year, giving each student a chance to participate.

The students in Bet started the year not knowing how to read any Hebrew. Through the year, they learned the letters and the vowels, learned to read syllables, and then learned the rules necessary to read words. During this time, they also learned basic vocabulary, as well as prayers, blessings, and even a few songs. The students started their 2nd book of Z’man Likro. Please keep these books, as they may be used for review and instruction at the start of next year.

Jewish values were very important to our class. Students learned the concepts of Mitzvot, and how to be a Mentsch. Students were encouraged to think about how to be a good person. As we learned about Jewish holidays, we took the rituals and practices and made them come to life through stories and activities. The Pesach unit, for example, prepared them for what they might be experiencing in their homes.

As the students learned about the holidays, they worked to tie the Mitzvot of the holiday to the lives of the students, making connections to what they were learning in Hebrew. This was more evident later in the school year as their Hebrew reading skills improved. By Pesach, the students were able to read the Four Questions, as well as to recite them.

It was wonderful seeing the individual students become a community. Even though our class was small, through discussions they were able to support and encourage each other. Break-time was always great for spontaneous conversation.

These accomplishments could not happen without the help of others.

  • Thank you Rabbi Hazzan Lipton, who worked tirelessly to keep all the pieces of the program working together.

  • Thank you Shosh, who worked behind the scenes to make sure our technology was working.

  • Lastly, thank you Parents! You made sure your children were in class with their materials. You supported them and us in so many ways.

Wishing you a happy and healthy summer! See you next year!

Etta Bernstein



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