Photo Caption: Students practiced their Hebrew letters. Sofya named letters in Hebrew and students used paper and whiteboards to write the numbers.
Tues/Thurs Class Blog: click here and scroll down to "Bet 3/Gimel 3"
Dear Kitah Gimel (3rd-grade) families,
We have loved getting to know your students over the past few weeks! They each bring their own unique interests and experiences to our virtual classroom, and we cannot wait to get to know them more.
In Sofya’s class we began our Hebrew lessons. We enjoyed playing Hebrew games with students. They had a blast playing Simon Says in Hebrew and learning how to say and identify body parts (eyes, head, back, etc.) in Hebrew. We also learned the numbers 1-40, which the students really enjoyed. Lastly, we started to review the book, I Can Read Hebrew. We’re excited to see the students enjoying playing, writing, and speaking in Hebrew!
In Polly’s class, students started to explore some of the many Jewish rituals and traditions we will cover this year, starting off with learning about Rosh Hashanah! We talked about the tradition of tasting apples and honey, listened to the sound of the shofar, and recited the Shehecheyanu blessing. We loved practicing the sounds of the shofar, and seeing who could hold the longest tekiah gedolah!
As we continue to navigate the world of online learning, we are so grateful for your patience, understanding, and commitment to Jewish life and learning. We are excited to make this a fun, positive, and interactive experience for our students as we look forward to a great year together!
Polly & Sofya