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4th Grade (Dalet) Class Update

Writer: Talmud Torah of MplsTalmud Torah of Mpls

Dalet students had fun introducing their class to their pets during class break

DALET 1 & 2

Dear Dalet 1 and Dalet 2 (4th grade) Families -- Happy Purim!


We've accomplished so much this month! We are almost done with Chapter 5 in our Hebrew book, The New Siddur Program Book 2, which includes the blessings for food and showing God our appreciation for creating an amazing world. We continue to use our Hebrew script letter book to practice handwriting. We have been playing games with vocabulary we learn which have included these words: adama (earth), lechem (bread), and mishpacha (family). We are excited for more reading and writing ahead.

Etgar Yesodi:

We have so many blessings to count! We began our Blessing unit this month as we are wrapping up our unit on Zichronot and Remembrances. Our interview sharing has been heartwarming. We learned about relatives that have lived and brought their memories alive through sharing their stories. This experience has helped us build community, become more confident speakers, as well as share and learn unique stories and history. Best of all we kept the light burning. We learned about family members that survived war, were nurses, soldiers in the navy and army. We learned about heroes that brought Holocaust survivors back to their homeland. Some of our relatives worked in candy factories, sold toys, and owned grocery stores. Family was so important to our relatives as they celebrated holidays together. Can you imagine a big fish swimming in your bathtub that was going to be gefilte fish for Shabbat? That’s what they did.

Coming Soon:

We began the Hebrew month of Adar on February 12th where we are commanded to be joyful and spread kindness and joy. Halleluyah!

Sunday February 28th -- Purim Zooming Celebration:

To celebrate Purim together in a fun way, we will be having a special Kitah Dalet Zoom Purim Experience! In addition to our regular learning activities, we will also celebrate Purim together as we build community. Please encourage your child to wear a silly hat, put on face paints, dress up, have silly hair etc. Please also have a hamantaschen or cookie ready for our Zoom class on that day. We will be welcoming students to prepare and share a talent or tell a silly appropriate joke if they choose to do so. We will also be saying blessings together over their hamantashen, cookie, or treat substitute.

Please continue to help students be prepared each day with their textbook, journals, handwriting books, sharpened pencils, markers, and any other materials necessary prior to each class beginning.


Noa and Morah Schear

P.S. -- SAVE THE DATE for our Kitah Dalet Family Program: Attitude of Gratitude (Zoom Style), on Sunday morning, April 18th!!



Dear Kitah Dalet 3 (4th grade) Parents,

I hope that this communication finds you well. We have been keeping busy in all areas of our curriculum.

In Hebrew, we continue with regular reading practice, familiarity with siddur vocabulary, new common Hebrew words, and grammatical concepts such as suffixes and past tense.

Prior to Tu B’Shevat we spoke about our concerns regarding the environment. My students enjoyed working in groups to prepare commercials advertising a product which would help with an environmental concern about which they were passionate. All of us enjoyed seeing the presentations of the commercials.

Abraham and Sarah have been the focus of our Torah studies. We see that they had faith, confidence and strength to do what was asked of them by God. Abraham is a peacemaker, shows concern for others over himself is hospitable and seeks justice. These are qualities and values which are part of Judaism and which we should all seek to emulate.

It continues to be a pleasure to work with your children.




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