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4th Grade (Dalet) Class Update


DALET 1 & 2

Dear Kitah Dalet 1 and Dalet 2 (4th-grade) Families,

Happy Spring!


We've accomplished so much this month! We are beginning Chapter 6 in our Hebrew textbook, which includes new vocabulary about a grandpa asking a lot of questions. What kind of questions would you ask grandpa? Students will continue to practice reading as they highlight, discuss and translate new vocabulary. We will also continue to use our Hebrew script letter books to practice handwriting.

Etgar Yesodi

It was a joy celebrating an Attitude of Gratitude (Zoom Style) with those that joined us for our Dalet Family Program on April 18th. We sang the Shema and prayed along with our Modeh Ani video from Israel. We studied together sharing a poem about the spectacular, and watched a cloud avalanche--an awesome and spectacular event in nature!

We Zoomed around the room sharing ideas, samples of home blessings, and then each student and their family prepared, designed, and created beautiful Birkot Habayit (Blessings for their Home).

We strongly recommend that you continue this very meaningful discussion in your own homes…

  • What is a בְּרָכָה (berakhah)/blessing?

  • Why is it important for us to be aware of בְּרָכוֹת (berakhot) and to express our personal blessings?

  • How can the expression of specific בְּרָכוֹת (berakhot) lead us to greater awareness of gratitude and blessing?

Yom Hashoah: We watched, listened and discussed the following : “The Last Butterfly in the Ghetto” (poem), “Eli, Eli” (song by Chana Senesh), and “The Promise” (story). We also discussed and answered the following questions:

  • What is Yom Hashoah about?

  • Why is it important to remember these dark times?

  • Who is Ilan Ramon and what did he do?

  • Who is Chana Senesh and what did she do?

  • How can you see the good in everyone?

Yom HaZikaron and Yom Haatzmaut:

On Yom Hazikaron we remembered our Israeli soldiers and people that gave up their life for the State of Israel. We stood up for a moment of silence with Israel through a video for those that gave their lives. We sang Kahol V'lavan, Todah, and Heveynu Shalom Aleche, and observed young adults celebrating as they arrived at the airport in Israel. Who was Eliezer Ben Yehuda? Who revived Hebrew? It was a hoot playing the Kahoot as we guessed Israeli inventions.


Please continue to help students be prepared with their textbook, journals, handwriting books sharpened pencils, markers and any other materials necessary prior to class beginning. Please have video cameras on during class. Wearing kippot is also encouraged.


Noa and Morah Schear


Dear Kitah Dalet 3 (4th-grade) Families,

I hope that you enjoyed Pesach and your Spring Break. It is so nice getting to see your children at TT again after such a long break!

April is filled with commemorations and celebrations and it is important to me to mark Jewish time and to understand the importance and relevance of each of these days on the Jewish calendar. We spoke about Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) and the importance of remembering. Yom Hazikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day) came next and we remembered the sacrifice of Israel’s 23,928 fallen soldiers. We then moved from sadness to joy as we celebrated Israel and discussed why Israel is so important to the Jewish people.

Our study of Torah continues with our matriarchs and patriarchs as we move on from Abraham and Sarah to Isaac and Rebecca. We see the importance of our Jewish values of kindness and respect. And we see that sibling rivalry and parental favoritism bring with them serious consequences in the lives of our forefathers.

It’s hard to believe that our school year is passing by so quickly. I look forward to being able to see you and your children in person, in the near future.





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