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4th-Grade (Kitah Dalet) Class Update


Dear Kitah Dalet (4th-grade) Families,

This last month we continued talking about blessings of gratitude and how we support each other during hard times. We practiced our reading and writing in cursive. We concluded the year talking about Yom Yerushalayim and Shavuot. We celebrated our last class by making an Israeli cheesecake as a group. We exchanged ideas about a blessing for new beginnings and shared collectively as a class. We had a great year together with lots of special and meaningful moments that connected us back to our Jewish roots.

We wish you all a great and healthy summer. Please continue to practice your Hebrew. We look forward to (hopefully!) seeing you face-to-face in the hallways of Talmud Torah in the Fall!

Niza and Noa



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