Dear Zayin 1 (7th Grade) Parents,
I hope that you and your families enjoyed a wonderful Hanukkah together. I wish to share with you what we have been studying.
We have completed our unit about the mitzvah of Tzedakah. I think that my students were surprised to learn that Tzedakah is really “righteousness.” This means that it is not only giving money or charity, but rather ensuring that righteousness prevails in our society. It was also eye opening to learn that even poor people are required to give Tzedakah, and that as Jews we are supposed to give 10% of one’s earnings to Tzedakah. Bikur Holim, Visiting the Sick , is our new unit of study. This is one of our most important mitzvot and we are told that performing this mitzvah can extend someone’s life. We are God’s partners in helping to heal others.
In our study of American Jewish History we completed our unit on “Battling for Rights.” We learned about the criteria for obtaining citizenship and we spoke about changes they would make in these criteria. One of the important questions we discussed was what these new immigrants needed to practice and maintain their Judaism. Many of these are things we still need to retain our identity as Jews.
It continues to be a pleasure to work with your children. I wish you an enjoyable winter break!

December has been another month full of learning for Kitah Zayin (7th-grade). Our Mah La’asot study continues to bring up situations where the students are debating what to do, according to their own beliefs and learning what Jewish law mandates.
It was great to have a chance to discuss many of the students’ experiences in class during parent-student-teacher conferences. If you were not able to schedule a conference, please email me to set up a time to speak after winter break. There is a lot to share with parents at this point of the year.
Our class Hanukkah Party was a night full of fun! I hope the Hanukkah trivia was shared and that your households all enjoyed the Hanukkah cookies.
I hope you share in some wonderful times together with your family over Winter Break and take some time to learn together.
Hag Hanukkah Sameach,