Zayin 1
Dear Kitah Zayin 1 (7th-grade) Parents,
It was so nice getting to see your children again after our long break. I hope that you enjoyed Pesach and your Spring Break.
Save the Date! I am happy to share with you that on Wednesday, May 12, from 6-8 PM we will be volunteering outdoors at Perspectives to help prepare their gardens. Our group so enjoyed putting their gardens to rest in October. They are most grateful for our help.
April is filled with commemorations and celebrations. We have dedicated some time to Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), Yom Hazikaron (Israel Memorial Day), and Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel Independence Day). It is important to me that we mark Jewish time and understand the importance and relevance of these days.
My students (working in groups) compiled a list of the top ten things every person should know about the Shoah. This is in response to a recent survey which showed that there are many adults who know almost nothing about it.
They also worked in groups to develop a list of Israel’s gifts to the world. The group was amazed at many of the things which were invented in Israel and are now used throughout the world--even cherry tomatoes! We have so much of which to be proud. In the coming weeks we will continue our study of mitzvot with the mitzvah about “Love of Israel.”
We will continue our study of American history by focusing on the contributions of American Jewish immigrants to American society.
It continues to be a joy for me to work with your children. I look forward to the time when I can see you and your children in person, once again.
Zayin 2
Shalom Kitah Zayin (7th-grade) Families,
Kitah Zayin had fun celebrating Israel’s 73th Birthday by participating in Israel Pursuit! This was organized by Unpacked for Educators, and was a nationwide celebration of Israel! The class voted on which subjects they wanted to watch videos on and do practice Kahoots. On Yom Haatzmaut the Israel Pursuit Kahoot live link was shared with the students to compete.
Congrats to all of the Zayin students that participated!
As we look at the rest of our year together in Zayin we have four classes from the time I am writing this. We will be meeting April 19th, 26th, May 3 and our last Monday night class together is on May 10th. Please help make these last few nights together great by encouraging your students to have their camera on and being fully present for our time together.
We have a few more Mah La’asot dilemmas to discuss as a class. It has been wonderful to watch the maturity of the class throughout this year and see their thought processes develop as we have tackled our ethical dilemmas. I would love to hear any examples of students being able to bring some of the Torah we have shared in class to real-life situations. Now or in the future, please share them with me!
Until next month,