Photo Caption: Zayin 1 class watches a viral Rosh Hashanah video of a child singing Avinu Malkeinu. Check it out here.
ZAYIN 1 (Mon/Wed)
Dear Zayin 1 (7th-grade) Families,
It has been a pleasure getting started with your children in my Wednesday evening class. I have found them to be motivated, curious and engaged. In our beginning weeks we have gotten to know each other better, and I have tried to create an atmosphere of trust and openness.
We have spoken about gratitude, forgiveness, justice and happiness, all mitzvot in Judaism. These were applied in the context of the High Holidays, COVID-19, and the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg (z”l).
Our Mitzvah trip to Perspectives is on Wednesday, September 30th. For those students who feel comfortable participating, I believe that our planned volunteer work at Perspectives is a wonderful way to start out the New Year.
I look forward to beginning our study of American Jewish History. This is a subject in which there is much interest among my students.
I have loved spending my Wednesday evenings with your children. Thank you for partnering with us.
ZAYIN 2 (Mon Only)
Shalom and Welcome to the New Year at Talmud Torah!
Kitah Zayin (7th grade) is full time in our students' lives. Preparing for their B’nei Mitzvah and engaging in school in a way we are all getting used to can really fill one's plate. I applaud our Talmud Torah students for participating in class this year, and I am looking forward to all that we have ahead of us, to discuss and learn together this year!
In Kitah Zayin, we began the year learning about personal identity and the identity of being a Jew in America. Students interviewed others to learn about what people understand about identity. Conversations with others really help our class grow in understanding this year on many of our topics.
I am always on the lookout for on-topic guest speakers and events in the community that we can learn from as a class, so please feel free to share with me if you know of opportunities.