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Kitah Dalet (4th-grade) Update

Writer's picture: Talmud Torah of MplsTalmud Torah of Mpls

Dear Parents of Kitah Dalet 1 (4th-grade),

Happy Healthy 5782 and April 2022

Ivrit-Hebrew: Reminder, we are continuing to work in our Hebrew book as we focus on decoding, comprehension and reading with fluency. Our goal is to work up to page 40 in the Siddur/Hebrew book and up to page 20+ in the Handwriting book by summer break. Please have your child complete missing work due to absences, so to not fall behind. We are continuing to work in small groups for Reading Clinics and Work Time at the beginning of each

class session as well to stay caught up on material introduced.

Remembrance and Holocaust Memorial Day: We wrapped up our Zichronot- Remembrance unit by making and presenting poster’s for our loved one’s that will forever teach us through the lessons they passed down to us. As some of you may know, I (Niza Schear) recently lost my dad on April 1, 2022, which left a hole in my heart. Through our teachings of the Zichronot unit and having my Talmud Tora

h students with me on this journey of loss, I was comforted and my broken heart is becoming more whole. My dad Lejzor lives through the stories he shared and the laughter he brought to many. We watched a short video of my dad’s history in class to commemorate Yom Hashoah and to remember Lejzor and his teachings. The children received this video with respect and caring. As a survivor of the war, he shares his story and art, created by the University of Minnesota’s Vision Project. The link is here for you to watch as a family, to learn, and bring his memory to life.

A Special Family Blessing Program for Dalet took place the morning of April 10, 2022: It was wonderful spending time with our students, parents and family members as we participated in a family program titled an “Attitude of Gratitude”. During this program, we ate, discussed readings, listened to music, prayed, explored the blessings of our family and created a unique piece of Judaica, a plaque with a blessing for your home that we made together with our students. It was a joy celebrating our Gratitude and Blessings together. SEE PHOTOS HERE!

From the Etgar (Challenge) Curriculum: Your child has begun a unit about Blessings. During the first part of this unit our students learned about the recitation of daily Blessings/Brachot as a way of recognizing the good in our lives. They will focus on their daily actions as a way to access what they have to be grateful for. As part of this unit students will write personal blessings based on their daily experiences. They will be recording artistic representations of these personal blessings. Our lessons will include: Counting our Blessings, Responding to difficult circumstances. We will be making a 100 blessing chain link, pop up cards and do Torah text studies to learn about the Bl

essings in our lives.

Passover: Students practiced reading Passover Blessings and the Four Questions, discussed the meaning of Passover, and prepared a Passover skit that we presented to the Gimel (Grade 3) students at Talmud Torah. It was wonderful to partner with the younger students in our Talmud Torah community.

Community and Communication: Please reach out with Questions or Comments. Please let the Talmud Torah office know of any

changes in dismissal and absences for your child. Students will be escorted out of the building by an office member if an early dismissal is required. 952-381-3300.


Brianna Johnson

Morah (Teacher) Schear


Dear Dalet 3 (4th-grade) Families,

I hope that all of you enjoyed a wonderful Pesach. We spent much time prior to Pesach preparing for this important holiday and I hope that your children were engaged and participated in your sedarim.

I asked my students why they thought Pesach was the most celebrated Jewish holiday. Many said that it was their favorite Jewsh holiday. We also discussed the pros and cons of being a slave and the price of freedom.

My students enjoyed reviewing and delving into key selections from the Haggadah. They particularly enjoyed looking at depictions of the 4 children and choosing their favorite one.

They were so thoughtful and creative with their responses.

Our Torah studies have taken us through the story of Jacob and Esau. We will now begin the story of Jacob as he leaves his home, marries Leah and Rachel, and has 12 sons and one daughter who will become the 12 tribes and the beginning of the nation of Israel.

It’s hard to believe that our year is winding down.

It continues to be a joy working with your children.



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