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Writer's pictureTalmud Torah of Mpls

Kitah Bet (2nd-grade) Class Update

BET 1 & 2

Dear Kitah Bet (2nd-grade) Parents,

I continue to see these wonderful students grow and thrive. They have become more and more confident in their skills in Hebrew and other Judaic topics.

This last month, the holiday of Purim has been a focus of learning. The students in Bet learn about the story of Esther. They also learn about the Four Mitzvot for Purim: reading from the Megillah, giving Mishloach Manot (gifts of food, etc.) to friends and family, giving Tzedakah (Matanot L’evyonim) or gifts of food for people in need, and having a Purim Seudah (holiday feast.) Students made Mishloach Manot bags to share with classmates or family.

Reading skills continue to be a focus for Kitah Bet. The students are becoming stronger readers, adding letters and vowels, new reading rules, being able to read complicated multi-syllabic words, and reading sentences.

The students are starting to use their reading skills more and more in order to read prayers and blessings. As the class begins studying about Pesach, your student will receive a reading practice packet focusing on the Four Questions. In addition to the Pesach skills, students are continuing to learn more prayers - daily morning prayers and Kabbalat Shabbat. Most of these prayers have been learned as songs, but now the students are starting to read them.

It is a pleasure to watch your students move from strength to strength.

HaMorah Etta


Dear Kitah Bet/Gimel (2nd/3rd-grade) Parents,

The Bet/ Gimel students continue to be amazing. They really care about their classmates and enjoy learning together. I continue to be impressed by their Mentshlekhkeyt. They love being Jewish and learning together.

The ETGAR unit for Purim focuses on the role courage (Ometz Lev) plays in the story of Esther. During the course of this unit, the students have taken the events of the story and related what happened to Esther, Mordecai, and other characters in the story to times in their own lives when having courage was important for themselves and others. In addition, they studied the three blessings for: reading from the Megillah, the Nisim (miracles of the holiday,) and the Shehecheyanu for experiencing a special event in their lives.

The students continue to improve their Hebrew reading skills. The Gimel students are learning more advanced reading skills while learning to read prayers and blessings. Bet is making good progress in basic reading skills. As our holiday units change from Purim to Pesach, students will be using their reading skills more and more to learn new skills for prayers and holiday observance.

HaMorah Etta

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