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Kitah Het (8th Grade) Class Update

Kitah Het Parents,

Our class DC trip was the kick off to the month of March. We had a jam packed fact filled three day trip in DC. Each student had a chance to be one of our tour guides and we learned from each other throughout the whole trip. I was impressed with the information this year’s class found to share in each place we went to. Our visit to the Holocaust museum was the centerpoint to our trip. The students all found different exhibits meaningful after learning so much about the Holocaust together as a class. Our Monday evening debrief was filled with stories and connection points felt and found at the museum and in family stories shared. The Het DC trip is an experience that these students will remember forever. To find out more, please ask me or any of this years Het class.


We will be moving forward with our Link to Israel lesson on Innovation and Technology this month. The Link curriculum allows for students to use the Research Library to access many videos to learn about numerous subjects and hear personal stories. The students are enjoying having these sources at their fingertips.


Het Graduation is May 15 - I am looking forward to seeing what this year’s class will be selecting for their graduation projects. It is always fun to see how the students want to share their many experiences at TT. RSVP for Graduation Here!

Hag Purim Sameach!


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